Kitty Profiles

Monday, February 27, 2012

Abbi's Week

20. I love this fishy toy.
21. I must approve all clean, warm sheets prior to bed making.
22. Momma says I am beautiful.
23. The towel is here; I am here; Where is the sun?
24. Playing is exhausting.
25. I threw up on my old scratcher so Momma got me a new one today. I love it!
26. Life is as it should be... lined in sunshine.


gr said...

hey guys...we have a big problem. the idiot human told us we have to goto the vet wed....he actually thinks we're gonna do it too!! since u guys are older, we need ideas for how to get out of this without the human knowing....aint gonna be no kinda needles going near us any time soon!!!

AbbiKat said...

Do not read tomorrow's post girls!
No one other than Shia has actually succeeded in avoiding the vet. (Abbi)

I suggest claws and teeth. (Shia)

LG said...

Abbi, U R still as beautiful as ever!

AbbiKat said...

Thank you LG.