Kitty Profiles

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bittersweet Day

Today the first of our baby kittens leaves the nest. A girl who works at the vet fell in love with Steve and has been patiently waiting to adopt him. They all get their first vaccine shots today and Steve will go to his forever home.

Momma and Daddy are very thankful you're going to a great home but we are going to miss you so very much sweet Steve. You are quite the character and such a love bug. Goodbye our dear boy, our prayer is that you will continue to grow surrounded by love.


gr said...

hey steve, grace and riles here. we're so happy you got a permanent home but we're sad youre going alone. maybe something will change and you will get a companion but if not, just imagine all the spoiling youre in for being by yourself! we'll be waiting to hear how its going so keep us posted! ttyl steve-o!!

AbbiKat said...

Well Momma handed Steve over to his new Mom today. Momma cried of course but is going to check in on him in a few days. Hopefully he will be all settled and loving his new family. His new Mom was very excited and said he will gets lots of cuddling. All the other babies are pretty tired after their shots but doing well.

LG said...

U R one lucky kitten Steve! I know it's hard to leave behind the siblings but I'm convinced the love in your new family will compensate for any feelings of loss you may experience. I met your new Momma and she's soooo in love with you! I hear her son can't wait to smother you w/all the attention you so deserve! And our Momma will get updates on your life frequently. I know it was hard for Momma to let you go but like all loving Momma's she puts her feelings aside and wants only the best for you!

AbbiKat said...

Momma called to check on Steve (now named Bob) and he's doing great! He's already destroyed all his new toys and he slept with his new Mom last night.