Kitty Profiles

Thursday, June 2, 2011

One Year Ago

Picture this: it is June 2, 2010 and the southern sun is here to stay. The humidity has settled in too. In other words, it's hot. The humans have been putting food on their front porch throughout the winter and it has sustained me, but I have had enough of living outside. Normally I would show up every night and patiently wait at the front door for one of them to feed me. This day is different. Today it is 2:00 in the afternoon and I don't feel well. I collapse on the porch in front of the doors and soon the female finds me. I don't resist her as she traps me in a carrier. I am even quiet all the way to the vet. My time as a stray has left me with difficult health issues. I've recovered from three types of parasites, a bladder infection, ear infections, diabetes, and kidney failure. Through it all the humans have cared for me. I am quite attached to these humans now. The female has even asked me to call her Momma. I may take her up on the offer because I never want to be on the other side of these doors again:
Momma promised to spoil me with a little tuna today to celebrate my anniversary. Inside life is good!


GR said...

hey donovan, we're glad ur ok now and we understand not wanting to be out there anymore too, thats how we feel. putting up with this human and that big white thing is definitely better then being out there!

LG said...

Donovan, Happy Anniversary! You've come a long way baby! Seems June is a plethora of anniversaries!