Kitty Profiles

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kitty Heart Murmur

I have heart disease. I don't like to talk about and I live a pretty normal life, but twice a year I have to go to the V E T so they can check my heart. Two weeks ago I had blood taken, my blood pressure checked, and an echocardiogram performed. Here I am weighing in at 10 pounds:

Normally I am the epitome of the perfect cat when I go to the vet, but they put me through entirely too much and I cried, screamed, and growled. After getting shaved in two very embarrassing places, the technician could not get blood out of my front leg so someone else had to take it from my back leg and bruised me. They took me away from my Momma to do all this and I was furious. I could tell Momma was about to break the door down and rescue me when she heard all the racket I made.  After the echocardiogram they finally reunited me with Momma and I could tell she had been crying. I leapt into her arms and consoled her the best I could and I let her reassure me as well. The vet then let Momma carry me back into the room with all the medical equipment in order to discuss the results of my echocardiogram. Momma was terrified at first looking at the sonogram pictures of my heart. The good news is my blood pressure was normal despite how upset I was and the echocardiogram results showed no deterioration. In fact one test, showed improvement. Both Momma and I sighed with relief and thanked God with prayers of gratitude.

Let's go home Momma!

As soon as I got home I had to clean every inch of myself to remove the vet smells and I was not thrilled with the missing fur, but it's been slowly growing back. Here is my tail where a small patch of fur was shaved to take my blood pressure:

This is where I got shaved for the echocardiogram:

A few days later the results of my blood test came back and thankfully they were normal too. It's so good to be home even if it's with less fur:


LG said...

Oh Abbi my poor girl! I'm sorry you had to endure all that! Thank God you had such good reports! Your fur is growing back quite nicely. In fact I'd bet it's even softer than before, if that's possible!

AbbiKat said...

Thanks LG. It was not a good day but I am very thankful all the results were good.