Kitty Profiles

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Notch in Ear

I will  never understand humans. As the female cuddles up next to me and scratches my head, I observe an exotic tick or other parasitic life form attached to her ear. When I paw at it, it moves somewhat thus confirming it is most definitely embedded in her ear. Feeling sympathetic, I firmly bite down on the pest and start yanking. With complete ingratitude, the human starts whimpering and tries to withdraw from my grasp. I strengthen my grip only to have her retreat with increased fervor. I'm not in the mood for a mouth-ear-tug-of-war game, so I release her. She just lays there holding her ear. I try to reason with her... she should at least subject herself to a thorough de-worming and monthly pest control program like I endured upon capture. Apparently that is too much to ask of her because the thing remains stuck in her ear week after week. As always Donovan has a grandiose explanation. She says the object in the human's ear is an earring and that it is a token of adornment. Scoffing at her, I say it is probably the way humans indicate which females are spayed.

1 comment:

LG said...

Aleah, Don't ya know that humans' don't like anyone grooming them but themselves? Except of course for mani's and pedi's.