Kitty Profiles

Monday, March 14, 2011

Salvadore (Donovan) Dali

This is what happens when you allow Donovan to have the camera:


LG said...

Donovan girl, There are kitty schools for photography ya know.

Gracie and Riley said...

hey d, its us again. sorry we're late today but our master was chirping his head off about how busy he is today at his work and unfortunately we have to sit there and get a kitty ear full of that crap. we wish hed just goto work and make money and shut up! anyhow, we thought that was pretty funny what ya did with that camera. our master has one too and we see him messing with this thing he calls a cell. apparently its a bad thing cuz he usually is yelling at it. we'll see if we can sneak it from him and get a pic or two. stay cool kittys, meow at you soon!