Kitty Profiles

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kittens go to Vet

It was time for their 2nd vaccine shots. Pumpkin, Tigger, and Milo got to see their siblings Linus and Lucy too!

All of the kittens are doing well although they are still a little underweight considering their rough start. Milo is only 2.8 pounds. Milo's heart murmur is gone, but Linus's murmur persists. Please pray Linus's heart improves. Tigger tested positive for roundworms, so everyone got another dose of de-worm medicine. Although Pumpkin was quite lethargic after her shots she was back to her active, playful self the next day. Next month they get their final kitten shots, then it's time to schedule their neuter/spay surgeries. It's tough being a kitten!


LG said...

Kittens, There's that dreaded vet trip cage! And the dreaded vet visit! Ahh such is life in the realm of felines. But then there's the good side too...healthy kittens, lots of love, much spoiling, no fleas, heartworms or any other kind of worm for that matter, and lots of healthy food...well maybe not LOTS in the case of us dieters!

gr said...

hey guys, dont worry, we dont like that stuff either. maybe we should start a petition to promote vets willing to travel to us...its not fair that we have to get all worked, take meds and pay them for all of it on top of that! surely we're not the first to come up with this trademark idea!!!