Kitty Profiles

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


gr said...

milo we can remember being that small, it was a blast. too bad you cant come spend some time with us, we have a lot to teach you!!

AbbiKat said...

I am having lots of fun, although it's not always fun to be the smallest. Thankfully Pumpkin and Tigger are teaching me all kinds of ways to play and get into everything. (Milo)

gr said...

ok but be careful around that abbi one, we think she has some territorial ones!!!

AbbiKat said...

Yes Abbi has hissed at me on more than one occasion, but she was here first and she is the most beautiful cat ever so I feel devoted to her. (Milo)

LG said...

Hey Milo, Stop flirting w/Abbi. She is MINE!