Kitty Profiles

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Santa Patrol Kitty Style

Aleah has taken it upon herself to monitor the exterior perimeter of the house after hearing countless songs about some human named Santa.

Thus far there have been no sightings, but Momma keeps reminding her to be a good girl.


gr said...

aleah never fear, as long as shia is outside, youre safe!!!

LG said...

Aleah, Keep monitoring, I'm sure U will find something special under the Christmas tree for U.

PS: Make sure U DON'T eat the cookies that will be left on the coffee table for Santa!

AbbiKat said...

Did you say there's a tree in the house LG... where??? I love trees.

AbbiKat said...

What are cookies? Are they like TREATS?


LG said...

Silly Abbi, Of course there's a tree in the fact there are 2 of them on either side of your TV...just like the one @ Grammie and Pappy's, else where could Santa put all those gifts? As far as the cookie treats, Felines R not supposed to eat chocolate or's a human thing!