Kitty Profiles

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kitty Apology

Has anyone seen the movie MegaMind? My parents have been watching it incessantly. There is a scene in there where one of the brain-bots chomps down on "Daddy's" hand. Well, I figured since my Daddy loves that movie he would be impressed if I reenacted the biting scene. To quote another scene from that movie: "I was less right." In other words, I was wrong. He was not at all impressed and threatened to ignore me the rest of the day. After he sees this post, especially the super cute picture below of me sleeping, I'm sure he will forgive me.


LG said...

Abbi my love, Don't be bitin without provocation!

Grace and Riles said...

phahahahahahahaha thats right abbi, show them who is boss!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I accept your appolgy. I still love you.