Kitty Profiles

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Aleah - Cat tree?

Continued deception is afoot among the humans. The female proudly positions a hideous object in front of my favorite window. On the positive side, it has multiple levels and affords a better view to the real world outside the boundaries of this human box. I decide to make the most of the situation and explore this item. The female is delighted at my interest. She tells me she got this "tree" just for me. Perplexed, I just stare at her. Does she really believe this is a tree? I politely explain to her that trees have bark and leafs on them... this has carpet. How can humans have such sophisticated shelter, but not know what a tree is? Either she really is stupid or this is another attempt to brain wash me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Aleah, LG here. Of course you're being brain washed. The female human is always trying to wash a part of our cat anatomy.