Kitty Profiles

Monday, February 14, 2011

Shia - Valentine's Day: Part 1

Apparently humans celebrate some holiday today which involves chocolate. Ever the opportunist, I convince the male human, during his obligatory service of my 5:00 AM breakfast, to purchase chocolate to celebrate this day. Queen Abbi tries to tell me that chocolate is harmless to humans, but every cat knows of its poisonous effects. So now I watch and wait as both humans partake of copious amounts of chocolate. Hmmm, nothing is happening. Perhaps the poison is slow acting within humans. I shall take a nap on their porch couch. I will report in later today with the results.


Anonymous said...

Is there a hallmark day where used to be living things are acceptable as gifts to one another? I was just curious.. someone asked me the other day and we were not sure. I thought that it might be sometime in April ... Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

It's called April Fools Day Fool