Kitty Profiles

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chai Tea

Some may claim this is a superfluous display of my morning activities however I feel compelled to share.

I was in a quiet, reflective mood as I prepared for today's blog entry when Grammie dropped by and surprised Momma with a Chai Tea Latte. As my momma's protector, I must inspect everything prior to her consumption. Below records the result of such inspection.


LG said...

Hey Abbi, What is it with this Chai tea latte? Whatever happened to plain ole milk? Altho I must admit you are quite the daring feline, and of course you look amazing slurping thru that straw!

Anonymous said...

did she leave any for you or did she drink it all?

Anonymous said...

was that a venti she drank?

AbbiKat said...

No need to fret my followers, I never actually drank any of it but I sure did love that straw.

Gracie and Riley said...

hey y'all G&R here....we never had any tea but we hear its good for head colds....just figured we would meow that ur way!